Saturday, November 13, 2010

G.I Whisky

.....after all the small talks and gesturing one would with a welcoming guest, we got down to attending the documents.......... I sign while Whisky tumbprinted......on the text prepared by the agency.

............. then the Chaperone maitre brought out all Whisky’s luggage for inspection. The contents of the luggage was professionally scrutinize before us (Sam and Whisky) .....I watch from a distance....(all the lady thingy, you know....)
................ I insisted that all the unwashed laundries...clothes and sundries (all 2 weeks or more of it) be thrown away ....( I will buy back for her) .

The Supervisor then went through with Whisky in our PRESENCE her personal belongings - being cash and things of monetary values to be properly documented for her protection.

With all protocols satisfactorily attended to being prime and proper ...we took Whisky home (Welcome home Whisky).

On the way home I took a diversion and went straight to the Indian barber (Barber Joe)...
..... got Whisky to have her hair cut....crew cut G.I style .... Whisky was reluctant ........ it had to be done as her hair was infested with lice.

After the hair cut, Whisky looks refreshingly better than she was before with the unkempt matted hair ... went to the pharmacy to get her anti-lice shampoo before heading home.

I sensed the excitement...and spied the smile on Whisky’s face as we approached nearer to home.... be continued.

p/s ....
Sam......Sam had better pray that she hadn’t contracted the lice (close proximity from the hug with Whisky).......I would have her cut bald...hehehe