Have I told you lately?
Have I told you lately…Whisky, …that you caused so much inconvenient when I have to get my daily supply of Royal Stout instead of monthly because you gave yourself a helping hand to quench your alcoholic urge.
It’s alright…I have to go out anyway.
Have I told you lately…..that you droved my blood pressure up when you didn’t know how to open the car’s door and I get sneered at. It’s alright…I’m trained at handling such situation.
Have I told you lately….that you embarrassed me when you didn’t tell me about the ‘burnt mark’ caused by your ironing…and I wore it without knowing. It’s alright…they don’t know me.
Have I told you lately….that you eat the more than the four of us put together and you sleeps all the time …that your work is never complete.
It’s alright …housework can never end.
Have I told you lately…..that I am flabbergasted by your ‘genius’ when you broke the antennae of my new car by cleaning it with a MOP and recently you put a ‘big dent’ to the door of the same car by opening the door of my old car (you only know how to open the door from the outside).
It’s alright….it’s only a car…it can be repaired.
Have I told you lately…..that you drove me up the wall when …when…the dogs suddenly decided to boycotted the food that they love so much over the years…..and Sam has to fry rice for them ..twice everyday….and that Steady is 12 years old…and Lucky is the youngest at 3 years…Think…THink!!!
..THINK!!!!!...a life long responsibility …so un- necessary. Boy!!!! It’s the “straw that broke the camel’s back”. It’s alright….what can we do now!!
The dogs love ‘fried rice’.
Here’s Whisky’s story….as told by me.
When she was young, Whisky fell seriously ill….she had fever and she nearly died. She deduced that it was the pork she ate that causes this illness and from than on she refrained from pork.
So, all the pork served to her for nearly 9 months was given to the dogs ..
….unknowingly to Sam ..until about 3 months ago (San didn’t tell me) ..
Sam found out about it and since stopped serving her pork…and the DOGS stop eating.
………...and the beginning of our ordeal….going to a market so far away to do marketing specially for our dogs….and Sam’s daily task of frying rice in the wee hour of the morning everyday.
My story.
Whisky:chainsaw: ..however…love to eat bacon…sausages…luncheon meat.
…ham…..all canned pork products……home brewed pork soup minus the pork…….sob!!..:rofl:…..:rofl:………:rofl:…
..when questioned by me..
It’s Ok! Sar…it just the pork that made me sick…..itchy….rashes….other pork….no problem!!!!!!..sniff….:langhing:………..:rofl:
…:rofl:…Oh! Buddha…
…sniff!!…..WHAT STUPIDITY!!….:rofl:
Have I told you all lately that …Whisky’s contract ends Sept.09
And I will not retain her not even if she works for me free.
…love her though….:lol:…really…:rofl:…choke!!cough!cough!...:laughing: