Friday, October 17, 2008

Chocolate Factory.

Chocolate Factory.

I took my family to the chocolate factory this afternoon to replenish our monthly chocolate supply that turned fortnightly eversince I stopped smoking about a month ago.

To compensate the withdrawal symptoms…I developed an urged for chocolates….and I have been having untold amount of the “brownish gold”.

My family is not complaining… because they too get to savor more of this “heavenly gold”….they help me with the shopping…..needless to say

…it burnt a big hole in my pocket.

While I was there…I met a very photogenic sweet lovely young lady ….who made a friendly gesture to greet me…honorably as one would when greeting a senior.

…*spot her in two scene ....( I made a mental note to ask Sam to get some chocolates for her)….forgot about her completely because I was too engrossed in trying out the Durian chocolate…REAL DURIAN encrusted in chocolate… die for, so to speak.

*anybody who knows this lovely lady…..let her know that I owe her some chocolates… and that I would refer her to the Talent Scout.

Tour de Chocolate >>>>

p/s…Whisky so helpfully stored the chocolates…without even being told..:hmm:

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