Sunday, September 19, 2010

Leaving on a jet plane.

Leaving on a jet plane.

All her bags are packed and she is ready to go,
Don’t know when she will be back again,
I don’t think we will ever see her again.

Whisky will be leaving on the 25th. September and Angusinitina is arriving tomorrow, the 20th.....a schedule timed to get the new maid orientated with the working and living condition of our household.

..........Whisky brought a new order to our family...she became the boss of her work....and we became a slave to her routines.... while I became the ‘collateral damage’ of her doings – a ‘fall guy’ torn between being her boss and being my own boss.

As the curtain is about to be drawn, I stake claim to be the deserving owner to all the ‘four letter expletives’ ever conceived starting with the.....‘F@#&’ ............and so on.

She was a minor disaster...mediocrity is her middle name..... ‘bumpkin’ her last name...She had me on edge and up against the wall too many times, .... blood pressure yo-yoed like yoyo.....gastritis soured up like cheap wine.....

....and once when she microwaved my banana .....f---......agony is rolling the molten gooey with the tongue trying too cool it ...........f--- having the tongue cooked in that process.......and F--- why didn’t I spit out the molten gooey.

After four years ....she’ll be leaving soon....F--- I’ll miss her......she had endeared herself to my family.........seriously, we will miss Whisky and her childish innocence............her impish smile..........the pig-headedness...........her horse-appetite..... the tortoise pace....
...... “the 7-eleven- sleeps- as- she- likes- vampire” ex-alcoholic with a penchant for exotic meat: dogs, monitor lizard, insects.......the Houdini of works ..and so many more unprintable adjectives and adverbs.....

but everything being said, Whisky is a good daughter, wife......she is an angel of a person....she has a heart of gold...and honestly, I have never met any person so innocently good as her....... F--- (sniff)...I’m gonna miss her.

..and F--- ..I have degraded myself somewhat by using the F word in my written text but it is the only way to explain the quandary of paradoxical sentiments held hostage in search of appropriate jargon to serve the un-wordly emotional crunches.

I miss you, Whisky....take care.


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