Friday, June 22, 2007

Malaysia Our Beloved Motherland.

The struggle of the people
…is the struggle of freedom
Of one desire.

The beginning of country the beginning of inspiration
Of one soul.

The growth of nation
Is the growth of determination
Of one mind

The beauty of Malaysia
Is the beauty of its people
Of one destiny.

Inspired by my wife.

Robert Lau 22nd. June 2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Art - Buildings

If it was designed by an economist..or Donald

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Rocky 24....formerly Rambo

Proof of life.

Rocky’s diary – 19th.June 2007

Rocky has been eating well and I have been feeding him at least twice a day; despite his age, he ‘crawl’ around quite efficiently and would sometime give a spin or two.

His failing eyesight hampered his ability to recognize ‘friend or foe’ and would often miss the ‘meat balls’.

Rocky had lived way past his biological life span and I felt that with proper palliative care, he would be here for quite a while.

Through Rocky, I realized why some of the old folks’ erratic well being is as unpredictable as the weather of London.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Father's Day.

Thank You.....Fathers
a father

Father's Day the rest of us...

........ a roof above our heads.
Robert Lau 5th. June 2007

Father's Day the rest of us...

When the going gets tough.......the tough gets going.
May Lau 3rd.June 2007

Father's Day the rest of us...

The Provider.

Robert Lau 4th. April 2007

Father's Day the rest of us..

May Lau 25th.March 2007

Father's Day Poetry

Father’s Day Poetry. the rest of

In your bloodied name… you start war.
In your bloodied
hand…. you kill.

How can you show your children?
And tell….papa
knows best.
How can you hold your children?
And say …papa loves you.

How in your bloodied name you proclaim
……….in the name of God.
How in your bloodied hand you point
……….in the hands of God.

very existence of mankind you hold tell the world you have to…
The very fabric of decency you sold tell your children you
ought to..

That’s Happy Father’s Day to you
That’s for the world to
I am a father… are you
I hope to change the world….so can you.

Robert Lau 17th.June 2007

Art - Buildings......magic

I look at things from both sides now......

...from up and down.....

Robert Lau 15th.June 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007

Art - Buildings

Da Vinci Code
Robert Lau 14th.June 2007

Art - Living Things

Where's the bus.......?
Robert Lau 13th.June 2007

The Greatest Profession: Teacher

The Greatest Profession: Teacher

If I were to have it my way, I would be a teacher but the gallantry of youth personified the assumption of righteousness that led me to believe that I am perpetuating a family tradition and hence became a businessperson.

I have not abandon my dream and one day in the near future when my children graduated from university, I shall start a tuition centre to teach children from the primary level to the lower secondary. I would love to teach history, mathematics and sciences.

My students will learn through history the beauty of the English language and history shall come alive…to touch their life ….to positively permeate every moral fibres and later when they finally leave and submerge themselves into the real world, they shall be able to draw on the wisdom learnt from history… be part of history .

Mathematics principles and formulas will be dismantled and reassemble piece by piece in the most basic structure to simplify the complexities that otherwise confuse the young mind thus making them ‘hate’ math. After I’ve been through with them, they will love math.

Sciences will be thought in a way that is informative and relevant to their daily life. The practical usage of science will be based on researches and experiments that challenges the ability to think logically and constructively to arrive at a conclusive believable analysis.

The most important lesson that will be taught will be that they are only as smart as the text book that they have mastered or memorized and that they must go beyond the realms and that desire must be ignited by the aspiration and passion for knowledge.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Art - Living Things a bus stop...somewhere..

Robert Lau 13th.June 2007

Art - Living Things

Soya Sauce

Soya Sauce.

In the ancient period…………. Soya Sauce was known as the ‘Black Gold’

I love eggs….any dishes to do with eggs…..especially half-boiled and the sunny –side up and the best way to savor it is to compliment it with good Soya sauce and hence started my love affair with S.S. that embarked me on the journey in search for the best S.S. that I can find.

I have tasted S.S. from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan… but to me the best….unquestionably is from Malaysia. Nothing to do with patriotism…..but maybe I was trained on its taste and acquired it over a long period.

Soya sauce is either good or not good from the wide varieties that is found in the supermarkets where the better known brands are found but the better one is more often the less known….brands like…all types of fruits, machines on four wheels…two wheels….on tracks, all types of flying machines past and present…with wings, without wings, ….buildings high and low…modern or ancient….places of worships, ….flowering plants and non-flowering, ….insects….animals….reptiles and ..phew! Parts of human anatomy…..I mean… I say man….what marketing strategy is that?…which marketing schools? No wonder they went no way….no wonder that nobody buys it saves the locals and those in the know. My favourite and to me The Best is one of the fruits brand…….a fruit that is not found on this part of the region…a fruit I thought never existed before.

I am of the perception that why all these lesser known produces such superior tasting S.S. is because being more often than not a family run cottage industry there falls below the radars of the relevant authority and as such a little secret extra ingredient was added that might not be approved to enhance the taste…..I, honestly don’t care…..cigarettes kills, I smoke…….the authority please stay out of it…..what can a few drops of poisonous ‘Black Gold’ do and if so……I am not to be cowed and prevented from enjoying my favourite eggs.

I never got to sticking to the best because I am constantly – one upmanship – seeking a better one…and a better one…and I will only try a new brand when I finish the old one; just yesterday, I took a short two hours trip…acting on hearsay about a premium S.S. with the excuse of doing business……found the town and the sundry shop, bought two bottles….. One is for my friend who passed me this information.

The ‘ part of the anatomy’ brand I am using now is about to finish….not bad….and I can’t wait to start on this another ‘part of the anatomy’ brand strongly recommended and it is known that a tycoon swears by it and would not have anything to do with eggs without this ‘part of the anatomy’ brand of Soya Sauce.

Rocky 23...formerly Rambo

Rocky’s diary – 13th. June 2007

Morning : happy mood and good appetite…ate six “meat balls’

Afternoon: fed him again, ate all three “gold dust’

Evening: positively gain weight……’crawling’ around more often.

I shall temporarily stop recording Rocky’s daily episode and instead provides regular update of his well being.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Rocky 22...formerly Rambo

Rocky’s diary – 12th. June 2007

Strangely, Rocky seems to be about and moving….livelier…very good appetite. I have a good look at him…scrutinized him…… Rocky seems to put on weight, its waist looks rounder… (Abdomen).

Late evening, not realizing that I was in the room, he began swimming around slowly…..moving up and down slowly as if strolling around relaxingly……not like the previously when he swims because he had to……..

Note : The past few days , I have been feeding him a lot since I thought that his days are numbered.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Rocky 21... formerly Rambo

Rambo’s diary – 11th. June 2007

Rambo sensed me…or is it the food. He swam to the surface waiting for the ‘meat ball’…landed spot on but he miscalculated….. Rambo gulp ..misses ..water only…. Sank to the bottom …exhausted.

Having rested for a while, I prompted him by knocking on the side….. he wakes up and went straight for the pellet… it at first try. One by one he gulped alternately between waking and sleeping. He was almost blinded with age and needs wakening up…

Apparently, Rambo seems to be in a very happy mood and not forgetting his good appetite….he seems rejuvenated. “Crawl” around here and there…..looks like Rocky is here to stay for quite a while yet.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Rambo 20 a.k.a Rocky

Rambo’s diary – 10th.June 2007

This morning, Rambo gave a super fast spin causing a splash! Ate two ‘meat balls’ …almost missed……sank to the bottom, exhausted. I gave him a few more and realizing that he had fallen asleep, I have to wake him up each time to make him eat.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Clay Teapots

A few days ago, I met with a few gentleman….they consulted me on the Chinese tea pot. Not that I am a tea pot expert but having observed, learnt, listened, peered and experimented from those in the know and hobbyists for close to thirty years, lent weight to the adage “I am worth my salt” to know what I am talking about ; not necessary right but provides insights of meticulous observation supported by logics.

30 years ago, a perfectly made tea pot would have been a rarity; today, an imperfectly made pot is a rarity. Every tea pot that I come across today matches and is even much better than the first ‘perfect’ pot that I have seen. If every tea pot is so well made then where is the value?

The idiosyncrasies about the selling points of the pots as to its value is whether the aforesaid pot is hand made or machine made; present an additional conversational and debatable challenge.

With the advancement of technology and innovative ‘hand-me-down knowledge’ coupled with the new generation entrepreneurial spirits, clay teapots of today is of a higher standard then it was ever before.

The value of the teapots should be appraised on the uniqueness and complexities of design; rarity, originality and the types of material and more importantly the decorating motifs must be hand etched and must be not be ‘imprinted’ or embossed , stick-on or pasted :- these are some of the factors that determined the values and hence the price.


Visit : talkthreetalkfour.blogspot

: Talk3talk4.livejournal

: teamerchant.livejournal

: coffee-merchant.livejournal

Art - Home


house plant





living room


dinning room


maid's room

The Elusive Sunset

I have been traveling along this road for the past thirty years….and on only a few occurrences that I witnessed the most intriguing sunset ever…….the one moment in time.

On those few rare occasions………….when the time was right….the Sun’s position, the Earth’s position; ……………..the latitude…..the longitude …in the alignment forming the pinpoint co-ordinates that juxtaposes with the perfect atmospheric pose………..clear blue sky……..smog free air and every reasons that was just right to formulate the most intriguing sunset…..the one moment in time.

Regrettably, I could not register those precious momentous phenomenons as I again succumbed to the laws of ironies: - I could not afford a camera then; I have the camera but the films was all used up; I left it at home and when the camera was with me…it was not charge and things like that that left high and dry with the elusive dream.

I shan’t be obsessive about it, I resolved to be philosophical…….and when…the time is just right…..when the weather is perfect……when the co-ordinates is on spot…and when I have a camera that works on this critical moment……I shall register that ‘moment in time’ for the world to marvel …but….and until then it remains a recollection that was mine…… Just mine the ‘one moment in time’.

Visit : teainsidestory.blogspot
(Tea inside story)
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: teamerchant.livejournal
(Tea merchant)
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: coffee-merchant.livejournal
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Art - Stunts...split seconds

Who needs help? Who needs help!! "Who needs help"
photographed by Robert Lau 9th.June 2007

Rambo 19 - a.k.a. Rocky

Rambo’s diary – 9th. June 2007

Morning: Rambo is active……considerably good appetite ….ate four ‘meat balls’…drop the pellets right where his mouth is positioned, he missed a few times. I think that he can hardly sees me…but he sensed me as he sensed the food……for an obese…..die also must eat as much.

Afternoon: did not respond to me at all. Try to make him move around a little……dirt covered part of his face….so sorry Rocky boy.

Friday, June 8, 2007


photographed by RobertLau 7th.June 2007

Rambo 18 a.k.a ROCKY

Rambo’s diary – 8th. June 2007

Morning: didn’t want to eat anything…stayed at the bottom….about to meet its maker.

Late morning: try to feed him again, coax him….responded, swam to the surface…missed the ‘meat ball’ at the first go, got it the second try. I suspect that he is going blind – cataract, I suspect.

Late evening: greeted me, swam slowly and knock his head against the ‘wall’ gently…..
Flared his gills a little…..sank feebly to the bottom.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Art - Geometry

...of equal distance....
photographed by Robert Lau 7th.june 2007

Rambo 17 a.k.a. ROCKY

Rambo’s diary – 7th. June 2007

Fed Rambo this morning, no appetite….wanted a change of water- o.k. instructed the maid to do so. Later in the afternoon, though weak Rambo is in a happy mood. Rambo swam around for a little while, maybe rejuvenated.

Tonight, placed him in the living room to watch ‘so you think can dance’ Malaysian chapter. Took him back to the room, more comfortable there. Goodnight, ROCKY.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Petaling Street

photographed by Robert Lau 6th June 2007

Rambo 16 - Proof of life

Rambo’s diary – 6th. June 2007

Morning: Gave him pellets……Didn’t eat, very weak. Took a few photograph as proof of life. Irritated him…..probably the flash.

Afternoon: My children visited him, swam for a few seconds…..sank to the bottom exhausted.

Evening: I went to see him, knock …knock…initially no response, later wave feebly with one fin.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


photographed : Robert Lau 5th. June2007

Rambo 15 - The Fighting Fish

Rambo’s diary – 5th. June 2007

Morning: very weak but appetite remains strangely good. Fed him two pellets…he begs for more, I gave him three more, after all how much longer can he enjoy his favorite ‘meat balls’…..he ate it all very slowly. Sank down to the bottom and slept on its side.

Afternoon: lying on its side…..knock on the plastic container……he acknowledges by waving feebly.

Late evening: very weak…….unable to recognize me…no response.

Monday, June 4, 2007


....sounds of silence....
photographed by Robert Lau 20th. march 2007

Rambo 14

Rambo’s diary – 4th. June 2007

Another ‘year’ went by for the Boy… appetite, just took one pellet of the two that I have given him. He seems to be quite active…..I don’t know why? I thought that he couldn’t make it through last night. He had wanted the water to be change for this past few days……sorry boy.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Rambo 13 - The Fighting Fish

Rambo’s diary – 3rd. June 2007

This morning Rambo was feeling very bad and it got worse as the evening wore on…….I do not think he will last through tomorrow. Rambo got all the dirt stuck on his face….maybe he is giving up… not have the energy to fight time for another day……..painfully another ‘year’.

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(Tea inside story)
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(Tea merchant)
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Verbatim 0005 - The Stock Market


Read verbatim 0004 before you continue.

It’s important to realize that the stock market, like every else in the economy, displays the effects of inflation. In fact, it’s a particularly sensitive indicator of paper money in circulation because of its liquidity, its constantly changing price structures.

The stock market not only responds to inflation, it also benefits from it. It’s like the swimming pool industry. It’s an ideal investment receptacle for people who’ve been led to believe they have more money than they really do. In an inflationary cycle, many people who have no business investing think they have the funds to do so.

This pushes stock prices up faster than the general price rise. Other people, viewing the stock market from outside, see it as a way to beat the depreciation of the dollar. They withdraw their savings from banks and buy stocks instead.

The availability of margin credit adds to the number of people betting on higher stock prices. But margin credit isn’t the culprit of the stock market orgies. The villain is inflation. Without inflation, there wouldn’t be the feeling that higher prices are inevitable. People wouldn’t be so anxious to us margin if they thought there was a good chance the stock price might drop; for losses are greater if the falling stock is margined.

In addition, the paper money needed for margin loans wouldn’t be available without inflation.

The new paper money flowing into the stock market bids the prices of stocks well beyond the levels justified by any prosperity the companies involved are experiencing. So we see stocks selling 30 to 100 times their earning values.

At that point, the stock market moves by psychology rather than fundamentals. It’s no longer a question of what a particular company is likely to do in the future. The question is: what will other speculators think the stock of that company will do?

Chartists take over the market, looking for statistical trends, “break-out,” and other phenomena of mass psychology. The real fundamentals are ignored: supply and demand, company profits markets, management, etc.

But when the inflation ends, the stock market begins to drop – inevitably. It has to drop because there’s no longer enough paper money to support the higher price level.

All during 1929, people in the stock market fought to push the market to higher levels. They succeeded temporarily, despite the deflation beginning around hem. But the break had to come. By October, the point had been reached where it was literally impossible to support the old price levels; the paper money just didn’t exist any more.

The panic on October 29 wasn’t the cause of the depression, nor even the beginning of it. It was simply the irrefutable signal that there was a depression in progress – that the dream world ended. The price was about to be paid for years of tinkering with money supply.

All speculative orgies are the results of inflation. Neither stock booms nor land booms could be sustained without inflation. There just aren’t the resources available for people to buy-at-any-price unless inflation is pouring paper money into the economy. And the booms always collapse when the inflation ends.


Author : Harry Browne

Visit : teainsidestory.blogspot
(tea inside story )

: teamerchant.livejournal

: coffee-merchant.livejournal

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Love Story

...torn between two lovers...
photograph by: Robert Lau 28th. March 2007

Petronas Twin Tower

...........let there be light......

.............and there shall be light.

Photograph by: Robert Lau 28th. March.2007

Verbatim 0004 - Economy

An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.

Peter’s quotations

Rambo 12 - The Fighting Fish

Rambo’s diary – 2nd. June 2007

Rambo wants another change of water….gather a small blob of dirt in the centre, sorry boy……too risky. Despite his frail condition, he still maintains a comparatively good appetite, this morning he ate five pellets very slowly.

Erratically, as unpredictable as the weather, his well-being and life-span is unquestionably on the additional time that is biologically not possible. In human terminology, the ‘Boy’ is almost bedridden now.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Rambo 11 - The Fighting Fish

Rambo’s diary – 1st.june 2007

In my entry this morning, I wrote pictures only……is that all I have to say about the Boy? Words fail me… a complete blank. Is there any more left in me? I search deep into
what is left of me…..the time watching Rambo…that smirk, that frown………….

File ….save. Continue later. 9am.

10.17 am. Blank…

8.36 pm. Just came back from my evening walk, thinking and pondering about what to write …..who cares about something as insignificant as a fish ? There are more interesting subjects to look into……I care because Rambo is more than another living organism, it has acquired humanistic intelligence , if I am permitted to deduce and so to speak, it possesses a soul; Rambo consistently display a wide range of emotions: happiness, sadness and wants – the desire for…..rather than the instinctive display of hunger, fear and anger for want of self-preservation…… or…..Just perhaps…..

Rambo’s conditions is as erratic as the weather, one moment rain the next sunshine,
One minute quite healthy next near death. Fight on, Boy.