Saturday, June 9, 2007

Clay Teapots

A few days ago, I met with a few gentleman….they consulted me on the Chinese tea pot. Not that I am a tea pot expert but having observed, learnt, listened, peered and experimented from those in the know and hobbyists for close to thirty years, lent weight to the adage “I am worth my salt” to know what I am talking about ; not necessary right but provides insights of meticulous observation supported by logics.

30 years ago, a perfectly made tea pot would have been a rarity; today, an imperfectly made pot is a rarity. Every tea pot that I come across today matches and is even much better than the first ‘perfect’ pot that I have seen. If every tea pot is so well made then where is the value?

The idiosyncrasies about the selling points of the pots as to its value is whether the aforesaid pot is hand made or machine made; present an additional conversational and debatable challenge.

With the advancement of technology and innovative ‘hand-me-down knowledge’ coupled with the new generation entrepreneurial spirits, clay teapots of today is of a higher standard then it was ever before.

The value of the teapots should be appraised on the uniqueness and complexities of design; rarity, originality and the types of material and more importantly the decorating motifs must be hand etched and must be not be ‘imprinted’ or embossed , stick-on or pasted :- these are some of the factors that determined the values and hence the price.


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