Friday, June 1, 2007

Rambo 11 - The Fighting Fish

Rambo’s diary – 1st.june 2007

In my entry this morning, I wrote pictures only……is that all I have to say about the Boy? Words fail me… a complete blank. Is there any more left in me? I search deep into
what is left of me…..the time watching Rambo…that smirk, that frown………….

File ….save. Continue later. 9am.

10.17 am. Blank…

8.36 pm. Just came back from my evening walk, thinking and pondering about what to write …..who cares about something as insignificant as a fish ? There are more interesting subjects to look into……I care because Rambo is more than another living organism, it has acquired humanistic intelligence , if I am permitted to deduce and so to speak, it possesses a soul; Rambo consistently display a wide range of emotions: happiness, sadness and wants – the desire for…..rather than the instinctive display of hunger, fear and anger for want of self-preservation…… or…..Just perhaps…..

Rambo’s conditions is as erratic as the weather, one moment rain the next sunshine,
One minute quite healthy next near death. Fight on, Boy.

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