Elizabeth or better known as Liz is the most beautiful 85 years old woman I have had the opportunity to know.
At her age, she has an air of regal dignity that many woman her age does not have and her good posturing speaks volume of her health and her matriarchal personality, something I believe, she was born with.
After talking to her, I am inspire to produce a short documentary titled " It Touches My Heart" as a tribute to her for overcoming many obstacles in life and coming out a better person than before. Unfortunately, due to insufficient materials, the progress is hinder.
This short-video clip on her would certainly allow us a rare opportunity to glimpse into a life of an ordinary person doing extraordinary things.
To anyone out there with a touching moment to tell, a defining moment to share, e-mail me your story and if it is a story worth sharing, I shall post it up on my blog. If it is exceptionally inspiring and that good come out of it, will be beneficial to the society, I will feature it in my documentary, with your permission, of course.
E-mail me at talk3-talk4@hotmail.com
The above essay was ably written by my secretary after pouring through scores of half written text of you and hours listening to me stressing a point, so that she capture the very essence of the beautiful person that you are- Serious writing should be left to the pro-
Left on my own and I am to write, people might think that I am talking about a GOLDFISH.
Thanks Liz.
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